Saturday, 29 August 2015

How To Run Command Prompt (CMD) With Administrator Privileges In Windows XP/7/8/8.1

Almost everyone knows what is Command Prompt (CMD) and how to use it. I am sure many people have tried some common commands in CMD. There are many commands available that can allow you to execute without Administrator Privileges. But there are some commands those need Administrator Privilege in order to execute them. So it is necessary to run CMD as Administrator in that situation.

Whenever you are operating with Command Prompt (CMD), you often get "Access is Denied" or some permission related errors. In that case, one of the cause of that error is you need to run CMD with Administrator Privileges. This tutorial may help you to run CMD with administrator privileges.

Windows 8/8.1/10 Users

  • Press Windows+ X button together, select Command Prompt (Admin). It'll open CMD with Administrator Privileges. If it asks for username/password, provide the admin username/password.

Windows 10

Windows 8/8.1

CMD with Administrator Privileges

Windows 7 Users

  • Open Start Menu and search for "CMD" or "Command Prompt" in search box and you'll get Command Prompt as a search result. Right click on it and select "Run as Administrator" option. If it asks for Admin password, then provide the password of the admin of that system.

Windows 7

Windows XP Users

  • Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories and right click on Command Prompt and select "Run as.." option. If it asks for Admin password, provide the password of the administrator of that computer. Refer below image for more idea.

Windows XP

Now you can able to run Command Prompt with Administrator Privileges.

Still getting problems? Post your problem in comment box.

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